Fourth meeting of the Expert Group on Land Administration and Management and International Seminar on United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management
Singapore- 16 - 20 May 2022
The United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management Section, Statistics Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the Government of Singapore through the Singapore Land Authority will jointly organize the expert meeting and international seminar together with the United Nations Expert Group on Land Administration and Management. The International Seminar is supported by the Regional Committee of United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management for Asia and the Pacific (UN-GGIM-AP).
The expert meeting of the United Nations Expert Group on Land Administration and Management is a closed meeting, by invitation only, allows members of the Expert Group together with invited experts to review, consider and discuss its progress to-date, follow through on the guidance and decisions of UN-GGIM, and in particular, its ongoing consideration to translate concepts into practical guidance for the implementation of the FELA at the country level. It will also allow the Expert Group to consider, deliberate and address issues and opportunities for inclusive, integrated and effective land administration, facilitates peer-to-peer exchange of information, experience and practices, affords networking whilst attending to the business and activities of the EG-LAM.
The International Seminar on United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management with the theme 'effective land administration' will provide a forum for deliberating key considerations for effective land administration including translating concepts into practical guidance for Member States when implementing the FELA. The International Seminar seeks to share and exchange knowledge, information and experience; facilitate peer-to-peer engagement and learning; interact and consider guidance, recommendations, standards and approaches towards effective land administration for the wellbeing of society, environment and economy.
- Concept Note and Provisional Programme(updated as of 6 April)
- Provisional Annotated Agenda (Fourth meeting of the expert group)
- Provisional Annotated Agenda (International Seminar)
- Information - Travel methods for Singapore (updated as of 6 April)
- Information Note(updated as of 6 April)
- Provisional List of Participants
- Photo gallery
Tuesday 17 May 2022
Plenary Session #1: Effective land administration for the wellbeing of society, economy and environment
- Land Administration and Management in Singapore
- Mr. CHEOH Wee Keat, Singapore Land Authority, Singapore
- Framework for Effective Land Administration (FELA)
- Mr. Kees de ZEEUW, Kadaster International, The Netherlands
- Effective Land Administration - Digitally-Enabled Urban Planning in Singapore
- Mr. CHING Tuan Yee, Urban Redevelopment Authority, Singapore
- Enhancing Land Administration in Fiji through the IGIF and It's Country Action Plan
- Ms. Meizyanne HICKS, Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources, Fiji
- Land Administration and Urban Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
- Mr. Winston CHOW, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Plenary Session #2: Integration of terrestrial, cadastral and maritime domain
- Integration of Terrestrial, Maritime and Cadastral Geospatial Information
- Mr. Eric FOO, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, Singapore
- On the Need for Collocated Reference Benchmarks for Geodetic Datum Connection
- Mr. Ramon HANSSEN, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
- The Complexity of Gathering High Resolution, Accurate Geo-spatial Datasets in the Inter-tidal Zones of a Tropical Urban Coastal City-state
- Mr. OOI Seng Keat, Tropical Marine Science Institute, Singapore
- Progress Report on the Revision of the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM)
- Mr. Chris BODY, International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 211
- One Map, One Data Policy: A Challenge for Integration
- Mr. Antonius WIJANARTO, Geospatial Information Agency, Indonesia
Plenary Session #3: Integration of building information modelling and the cadastre
- Integration of Building Information Models into Virtual City Models
- Mr. Rudi STOUFFS, National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Geodata in Sweden Cooperation and Development
- Ms. Magdalena ANDERSSON, Lantmateriet, Sweden
- Connecting Perceptions with Reality in the World of BIM, and Cadastre
- Mr. Faheem KHAN, Leica Geosystem, Singapore
Thursday 19 May 2022
Plenary Session #4: Rights, restrictions and responsibilities for secure land and property rights
- RRRs and FELA: What | Why | Where
- Mr. Rohan BENNETT, Commission 7, International Federation of Surveyors
- Security of Tenure and Access to Land
- Mr. Mika-Petteri TÖRHÖNEN, World Bank
- Effective Land administration: a Suriname Experience
- Ms. Glenda HEIKERK, Management Institute for Land registration and Information System, Suriname
- DataLayer Secured by Chia's Public Blockchain: Decentralized, Secure Effective Land Administration
- Mr. Neil Cohn, Chia Network Inc.
Plenary Session #5: Availability and accessibility of reliable, timely and quality land information
- Navigating Towards an Accessible, Accurate and Quality Land Information
- Ms. Emelyne V TALABIS, Land Management Bureau, Philippines
- Availability and Accessibility of Official Geospatial Reference Data in Germany
- Mr. Peter CREUZER, Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landesvermessung Niedersachsen, Germany
- Land Information and the Geodetic Datum
- Mr. Andrick LAL, Pacific Forum
- Critical Infrastructure for Geospatial Data
- Mr. Brent JONES, ESRI, United States
- Rethinking Land Administration with New Age Space Technologies
- Ms. LOH Sook Yee, Maxar Technologies, Singapore
Plenary Session #6: Key elements for implementing the Framework for Effective Land Administration
- Operationalizing IGIF with country-level Action Plans
- Mr. TEO Chee Hai, UN-GGIM
- Road Map to Implement the Framework for Effective Land Administration System in Sri Lanka
- Mr. Mohamed RAFEEK, Survey Department, Sri Lanka
- Leveraging FELA, Sharing Experiences from the Netherlands and Abroad
- Ms. Paula DIJKSTRA, Kadaster International, The Netherlands
- Implementing the Framework for Effective Land Administration (FELA)
- Ms. Eva-Maria UNGER, Kadaster International, The Netherlands
Annual sessions
- Fifteenth session
- Fourteenth session
- Thirteenth session
- Twelfth session
- Eleventh session
- Past sessions