Fifth meeting of the Expert Group on Land Administration and Management and the International Seminar on United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management with the theme ""Effective land administration"
Aguascalientes, México 8 - 11 April 2024Participants appreciated the in-person Fifth meeting of the Expert Group on Land Administration and Management that incorporated an international seminar which provided the needed platform for in-depth discussions, knowledge sharing, and exchange of views, perspectives and experiences on the multifaceted nature of integrated geospatial information for effective land administration and management, as well as its relevance in addressing local, national and global challenges. A total of forty expert representatives participated in the Fifth meeting that included a two-day International Seminar on United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management with the theme 'effective land administration'. Participants came from thirteen Member States (36 participants), UN system, Private Sector Network and the UN Secretariat. The two-day international seminar, on 8 - 9 April 2024, had an additional, approximately, 100 national participants. There were open sharing, exchanges and interactions on issues, challenges and feasible path forward as participants collectively and expertly work through the agendas. Participants exchanged insights, highlighted key initiatives, and reaffirmed their commitment to collaborative efforts in advancing effective land administration and management for sustainable development and resilience. The Fifth meeting agreed on a number actionable steps to address challenges and to promote effective land administration and the implementation of the FELA.
The implementation of the Framework for Effective Land Administration (FELA) , the strengthening of nationally integrated geospatial information management and its arrangements, leadership, resources and capacities nationally and sub-nationally including cadastral institutions, and the integration of terrestrial, maritime, built and cadastral domains were among key items of work considered. The Expert Group members shared their experience and exchange information regarding their efforts to implement the FELA and reiterated the need to update and maintain the FELA as a living document. With regards to addressing the integration of terrestrial, maritime, built and cadastral domains, participants agreed to the preparation of a guidance document to promote good practices and share lessons learnt. It was recognized that more outreach is needed, to engage and include relevant stakeholders. In this regard, the Expert Group is challenged to focus on developing practical guidance to support Member States with the "how" for the implementation of the FELA alongside the United Nations Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (UN-IGIF).
The Fifth meeting of the Expert Group on Land Administration and Management including the international Seminar was very ably, professionally and hospitably hosted by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía) (INEGI) of Mexico with the support of the Mexican Cadastre Institute (Instituto Mexicano de Catastro) (INMECA) and the Permanent Committee of Cadastre in Latin America (El Comite Permanente de Catastro en Iberoamerica) (CPCI). Participants wholeheartedly expressed their appreciation for the welcoming environment, the warm collegiality, and the gracious hospitality.
Fifth meeting of the Expert Group on Land Administration and Management
Agenda item 3: Reports, highlights, updates and considerations
- Report of the Secretariat, Mr. CheeHai TEO, UN-GGIMS/SD/DESA
- Report on EG-LAM's activities, progress and accomplishment, Mr. Victor Khoo, Singapore Land Authority (Singapore)
Agenda item 7: Implementing FELA together with the UN-IGIF at the country-level
- Recent developments Kadaster NL, Mr. Dorus Kruse, Kadaster (the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
Agenda item 11: Seventh High-level Forum on Global Geospatial Information Management with the theme "Accelerating implementation: Achieving resilience"
- 7th High-Level Forum, Ms. Gabriela Garcia Seco, INEGI (México)
International Seminar on UN-GGIM with the theme "Effective land administration"
Official Opening Session
- Effective land administration-National subsystem of geographic, environmental, territorial and urban information, Ms. Paloma Merodio Gómez, INEGI (México)
- Global Land Tool Network, Ms. Regina Orvaňanos Murguía (UN-Habitat)
Session #2 - Implementing the Framework for Effective Land Administration
- Implementing the framework for effective land administration in Barbados, Ms. Leandre Murrell-Forde, The Lands and Survey Department (Barbados)
- Management of geospatial data and cadastral data in Chile, a pending challenge, Ms. Raffaella Anilio Olguín, SNIT-IDE de Chile, Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales (Chile)
- Mexico's experiences in the implementation of FELA, Mr. Claudio Martínez Topete, INEGI, (México)
Session #3 - Key elements for implementing the Framework for Effective Land Administration
- Key Elements of the Framework for Effective Land Management, Mr. Ridomil Alejandro Rojas Ferreyra, Dirección Nacional de Mensuras Catastrales, Registro Inmobiliario (Dominican Republic)
- We know the earth-we secure the future, Mr. Markku Markkula, National Land Survey of Finland (Finland)
- The Framework for Effective Land Administration, Ms. Amalia Velasco, Ms. Eva-Maria Unger, Mr. Rohan Bennett (FIG)
Session #4 - Integration of the Terrestrial, Maritime, Built and Cadastral domains
- Proposed paper on domain integration, Mr. SOON Kean Huat, Singapore Land Authority (Singapore)
- Integration of the terrestial, maritime, built and cadastral domains - Swedish context, Ms. Magdalena Andersson, Lantmäteriet (Sweden)
- Federated Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (FMSDI) Pilot 2023, Mr. SOON Kean Huat (SLA), Mr. Parry OEI (MPA), Mr. Trevor TAYLOR (OGC)
Session #5 - Merits and benefits of effective land administration
- Merits and benefits of effective land administration, Ms. Adriana Andrade Mozo, Municipality of Puebla (México)
- How the implementation of the Framework for Effective Land Administration can assist cadastral institutions in Iberoamerica, Ms. Amalia Velasco, Directorate General for Cadastre (Spain)
- Merits and benefits of effective land administration, Ms. Paula Dijkstra, Kadaster International (the Kingdom of the Netherlands)
Session #6 - Partnerships and innovations for effective land administration
- Partnerships and innovation, Ms. Regina Orvaňanos Murguía (UN-Habitat)
- Partnerships and innovations for effective land administration, Mr. Peter Creuzer, Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landesvermessung Niedersachsen (LGLN) (Germany)
- Cadastral system implementation using GIS, Mr. Kees de Zeeuw (Esri)
Annual sessions
- Fifteenth session
- Fourteenth session
- Thirteenth session
- Twelfth session
- Eleventh session
- Past sessions