In conjunction with the fifth expert meeting of the Working Group on Geospatial Information of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), the United Nations Statistics Division as the Secretariat for UN-GGIM, with the support of the Global Urban Observatory/Data and Statistics Unit of UN-Habitat organized the International Seminar on United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management with the theme "Geospatial information for sustainable development". The International Seminar provided a platform for the geospatial information management and statistical community together with a diverse group of stakeholders to engage, interact, share and discuss with one another appropriate and applicable sciences and knowledge, methodologies and practices, national circumstances and experiences, and to prioritize issues and actions to collect, collate and integrate the data needed to keep the promise to leave no one behind.
The International Seminar allowed members of the Working Group together with national, regional and international experts to engage and exchange knowledge, initiatives and experiences in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and national development priorities. Key sub-thematic focus revolved around the data demands for the SDGs- statistical, geospatial and other data; disaggregation by geographic location; and "production-ready" satellite and other observations time series for the global indicator framework.
A total of 25 presentations were delivered over the two days by national geospatial information authorities, national statistical offices, United Nations system including SDGs custodian agencies, international organizations, national space agencies, academic institutions and civil societies. Knowledge and experiences, national circumstances and challenges, national and global approaches were shared and discussed. Some shared unique circumstances and valued the opportunity to engage and network with one another that may lead to further exchanges and cooperation. The International Seminar promoted dialogue and participation, provided the opportunity to engaged and to be engaged with one another and others, within a multi-actor multi-stakeholder setting. Participants came from 22 countries from all geographic regions.
Documentation for the meeting
- Concept Note
- Information Note (as of 14 Nov 2018)
- Request for Participation Form
- Annotated Agenda
- List of Participants
Presentation Materials
Joint Official Opening Session
- Welcome remarks
- Mr. Robert Ndugwa, UN-Habitat
- Ms. Marie Haldorson, Co-Chair
- Opening statement
- Mr. Eduardo Moreno, United Nations Human Settlement Programme
- Mr. Zachary Mwangi (represented), National Bureau of Statistics, Kenya
- Keynote presentation
- Mr. Robert Ndugwa, UN-Habitat
Session #1 - Availing and communicating data for SDGs
- Powering the FIS4SDGs
- Mr. Clifford Okembo, Esri Eastern Africa
- The Mexican SDG Data Hub
- Ms. Olivia Jimena Juarez Carrillo, INEGI, Mexico
- Federated Information System for SDGs (FIG4SDGs) - Rationale and vision
- Mr. TEO CheeHai, UNSD/DESA
Session #2 - Methodologies and data for urban SDGs
- Geospatial information, earth observations and the urban SDGs: Overview of methodologies and data needs for "spatial" SDG 11 indicators
- Mr. Dennis Mwaniki, UN-Habitat
- Monitoring urban land consumption rate using geospatial technologies: The Colombia experience
- Ms. Diana Rocio Galindo Gonzalez, DANE, Colombia
- Application of geospatial science in public space monitoring: methodological advances, challenges and opportunities
- Ms. Laura Petrella, UN-Habitat
- Experiences in the Application of Geospatial Technologies in Securing Land Tenure
- Mr. John Gitau, UN-Habitat
Session #3 - Availability and accessibility of satellite earth observations data streams
- The Mexican Geospatial Data Cube
- Ms. Olivia Jimena Juarez Carrillo, INEGI, Mexico
- Building on the Demand for EO Data at Scale in Africa
- Mr. Aditya Agrawal, Digital Earth Africa
- From Digital Earth Australia to Digital Earth Africa
- Mr. Stuart Minchin, Geoscience Australia
- Global EO data for the production of indicators
- Mr. Steven Ramage, Group on Earth Observations Secretariat, Switzerland
Session #4 - Methodologies and data availability for Tier I and Tier II Indicators
- Perspective on Global Monitoring - the SDG 6.6.1 experience
- Ms. Ludgarde Coppens, UN-Environment
- Producing indicators 11.2.1, 11.3.1 and 11.7.1 in Sweden
- Ms. Marie Haldorson, Statistics Sweden
- Localizing urban SDGs methodologies: Experiences from Tunisia
- Ms. Samira Ouadday, National Institute of Statistics, Tunisia
- Data collection and urban indicators (oral statement)
- Mr. Abdulahakim Abdullah Alreshoodi, Qassim Urban Observatory, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Session #5 - Disaggregation by geographic location
- Disaggregation by geographic location - the guidance needed
- Mr. Dennis Mwaniki & Mr. Robert Ndugwa, UN-Habitat
- Role of Earth observations for disaggregation by geographical lens
- Mr. Chu Ishida, Japan Space Exploration Agency & GEO-EO4SDGs
- The Global Statistical Geospatial Framework and the aggregation of geocoded unit level data
- Mr. Tim Trainor, United States of America
- Training and validating Earth Observation models for slum mapping
- Ms. Dana R. Thomson, Flowminder foundation
Session #6 - Data for the production of indicators
- Information for SDGs and Kenya's Development Priorities
- Mr. Philip Thigo, Office of the Deputy President, Kenya
- Open access tools for spatial data generation: Experiences from Trends Earth
- Mr. Mariano Gonzalez-Roglich, Conservation International
- City sampling for data production: Experiences from the global sample of cities
- Mr. Patrick Lamson-Hall, New York University
- UN-GGIM: Europe - The Combination of Geospatial Data with Statistical Data for SDG Indicators
- Mr. Fabio Volpe, UN-GGIM: Europe
- Application of Geospatial Technologies in Sampling Frames
- Ms. Umikaltuma Ibrahim, UNFPA Somalia
Annual sessions
- Fifteenth session
- Fourteenth session
- Thirteenth session
- Twelfth session
- Eleventh session
- Past sessions