The Deqing International Seminar on United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management with the theme "Effective Land Administration" was held at the Treasure Island International Hotel, Wukang Town, Deqing, Zhejiang Province, China from 27 to 28 September 2018. The international seminar was very ably and hospitably hosted by the Ministry of Natural Resources, China, the Zhejiang Provincial Government and the Deqing County Government. A total of sixty-nine participants from eighteen countries participated in the international seminar.
The Deqing International Seminar provided a forum that promoted dialogue on issues and challenges on the application of geospatial information for land administration and management with all relevant governments and related stakeholders as mandated by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to the Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM), which is a subsidiary body of ECOSOC. With the theme "Effective Land Administration", the international seminar together with the Deqing meeting of the United Nations Expert Group on Land Administration and Management (26 & 29 September 2018) deliberated the need for and benefits of effective and efficient land administration and management for the wellbeing of society, environment and economy.
Presenters, panelists and participants engaged each other, shared knowledge, practices and experiences, exchanged new ideas and approaches, and learned of varying backgrounds and circumstances as well as current, emerging and new trends and context that have to be considered and addressed. Effective land administration seeks to serve and strive for the wellbeing of people, planet, peace and prosperity.
Documentation for the Deqing International Seminar
- Announcement letter
- Concept Note
- Information Note (updated)
- Registration Form (updated)
- Provisional Annotated Agenda (updated as of 21 Sep)
- List of participants
Joint Official Opening Session
Opening Statements
- Mr. Ao Yuxin
- Deputy Mayor, Deqing People's Government, Zhejiang Province
- Ms. Jiang Xiaohong
- Ministry of Natural Resources, China
Session #1 - Effective Land Administration: Leveraging existing approaches
- The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security
- Ms. Tea Dabrundashvili, Food and Agriculture Organization
- The Continuum of Land Rights
- Mr. John Gitau, Global Land Tool Network
- Fit-for-purpose Land Administration, Standards and Interoperability
- Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, Kadaster International/University of Twente, The Netherlands
Keynote Session
- The United Nations Integrated Geospatial Information Framework
- Mr. Greg Scott, UN-GGIM Secretariat
- National land surveys and monitoring in China
- Mrs. Wang Xiulian, Land Data Center, China Land Surveying and Planning Institute, Ministry of Natural Resources
- Need for effective land administration to address land-related conflict
- Ms. Clarissa Augustinus, Honorary Ambassador, International Federation of Surveyors
Session #2 - Effective Land Administration: Advocacy and awareness
- Mr. Paul Tapsoba
- Institut Géographique du Burkina, Burkina Faso
- Ms. Catalina Tapia (orally delivered)
- Secretaría Ejecutiva SNIT - IDE Chile
- Mr. Markku Markkula
- National Land Survey of Finland
- Mr. Joel Trotman
- Guyana Lands and Survey Commission
- Mr. Purevjav Nyamdavaa (orally delivered)
- Agency for Land Administration and Management, Geodesy and Cartography, Mongolia
- Mr. Christiaan Lemmen (orally delivered)
- Kadaster International/University of Twente, The Netherlands
Session #3 - Principles of effective land administration
- Smart land governance for the city of Wuhan
- Mr. Peng Mingjun, Information Center of Land and Resources of Wuhan
- Effective land administrations: key elements and principles
- Mr. John Gitau, UN-Habitat/Global Land Tool Network
- Key concepts and features for responsible and effective land administrations
- Ms. Tea Dabrundashvili, Food and Agriculture Organization
- Effective land administration - A framework and its components
- Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, Kadaster International/University of Twente, The Netherlands
Session #4 - Good practices
- Spatial analysis and monitoring of urban sprawl in China (orally delivered)
- Prof. Yue Wenze, School of Public Administration, Zhejiang University
- Land administration and management in Suriname
- Mr. Durwin Humphrey, Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission
- Towards effective land administration in Sweden
- Mr. Anders Lundquist, Lantmateriet, Sweden
- Land administration in practice: Some observations
- Ms. Eva-Maria Unger, Kadaster International, The Netherlands
Session #5 - Overarching strategic messages
- Ms. Leandre Murrell-Forde (orally delivered)
- Lands and Surveys Department, Barbados
- Mr. Tan Rong
- Land Academy for National Development, Zhejiang University, China
- Mr. Durwin Humphrey (orally delivered)
- Guyana Lands and Survey Commission
- Mr. Kees de Zeeuw
- Kadaster International, The Netherlands
- Mr. P.M.P. Udayakhantha
- Survey Department, Sri Lanka
- Mr. Silvano Tjong-Ahin (orally delivered)
- Management Institute for Land registration and Information System, Suriname
- Ms. Rosamond Bing (orally delivered)
- Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, Tonga
Annual sessions
- Fifteenth session
- Fourteenth session
- Thirteenth session
- Twelfth session
- Eleventh session
- Past sessions