The Second Meeting of the United Nations Subcommittee on Geodesy (SCoG) was convened in Deqing, Zhejiang Province, China on 22 to 23 November 2018 in room E308 in the Exhibition Centre. The meeting followed the United Nations World Geospatial Information Congress that was held from 19 -21 November 2018.
The SCoG was attended by 24 participants from 14 Member States, international professional organizations, industry and academia. On Thursday morning 09:00am - 12:30pm the SCoG had a closed business meeting for its members and observers and from Thursday afternoon thru to Friday the meeting was open for all other interested persons to attend.
In accordance with its terms of reference, the objective of SCoG's second meeting was to discuss, deliberate and collectively work through issues of importance to SCoG.
The following matters were addressed:
- the recommendations and actions in the Road Map Implementation Plan and the Governance Position Paper;
- education Training and Capacity Building;
- technical considerations - spectrum management of geodetic sites, VGOS, and ITRS/ITRF;
- plans for outreach and communication and,
- the role of regional working groups on geodesy and strengthening ties and arrangements between SCoG and the Regional Committee of UN-GGIM Asia-Pacific's working group 1 on Geodesy.
Details on the meeting discussions, outcomes and next steps are available in the full report of the meeting.
Documentation for the meeting
- Meeting Concept Note
- SCoG Meeting Agenda
- Suggested decision on governance
- Assessment on Governance options - Norway
- VGOS Correlation
- Outreach and Communication
- Report
- Summary Decision
- Llst of participants
Presentation Materials
- Session #1 - Welcome, introductions and setting-the-scene
Session #2 - Business of the SCoG
- Development of the SCoG Work plan
- Geodetic Infrastructure group, Mr. Zuheir Altamimi (France)
- Governance - way forward, Ms. Laila Lǿvhǿiden (Norway)
Session #3 - Technical Considerations of the SCoG
- VGOS correlation, Ms. Laila Lǿvhǿiden (Norway)
- Development of a SCoG resolution on the ITRS as a reference in geospatial, scientific and positioning applications, Mr. Zuheir Altamimi (France)
- Impact of Spectrum allocation and quiet zones on Geodesy - The role of the SCoG, Ms. Laila Lǿvhǿiden (Norway) on behalf of Dr. Johannes Bouman (Germany)
- Some thoughts on ITRS and UN-GGIM, Ms. Laila Lǿvhǿiden (Norway) on behalf of Dr. Johannes Bouman (Germany)
- Session #4 - Special Joint session SCoG and UN-GGIM-AP WG1 Education, Training and Capacity Building
- Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network, Mr. Rob Sarib (FIG)
- Outreach and Communication, Ms. Anne Jǿrgensen (Norway)
- Progress of the Proposed Five-Year education, training and capacity building implementation plan, Mr. Mikael Lilje (Sweden)
- Session #5 - Country Reports
- National report, Ms. Laila Lǿvhǿiden (Norway)
- Session #7
- Summary statement, (UN-GGIM Secretariat)
Annual sessions
- Fifteenth session
- Fourteenth session
- Thirteenth session
- Twelfth session
- Eleventh session
- Past sessions