Part 2 : Implementation Guide is the detail document that describes 'what' specific guidance, options and actions can be undertaken by Member States to strengthen their geospatial information management. Expanding on each of the nine strategic pathways, the Implementation Guide provides the roadmap for implementing the UN-IGIF. Each strategic pathway forms a separate and uniformly structured chapter, with appendices, in the Implementation Guide. Capturing strategic to operational needs, each chapter comprises references, good practices, guiding principles, recommended actions, outcomes, and resources for each of the strategic pathways. The Implementation Guide is anchored and preceded by an introductory chapter 'Solving the Puzzle', which describes how to understand and use the Guide. The Implementation Guide, comprising ten chapters, has been developed in close consultation with Member States.
At its tenth session and following a broad global consultation which was launched in early March 2020 and concluded in July 2020, the UN-IGIF Implementation Guide was adopted by the Committee of Experts, subject to its further refinement and finalization, as a means of strengthening national geospatial information management arrangements within and across Member States. The consultation clearly demonstrated countries agreed that the main content of the Implementation Guide was well written and encompasses relevant information. However, the consultation also revealed areas for improvement that had not been addressed during the initial processes.
Efforts to refine and finalize the Implementation Guide continue, the formulation of which has been well informed and influenced by the broad global consultation process. The consultation followed fifteen UN-IGIF events that included expert meetings and consultations, workshops and seminars, involving more than 730 experts and participants from 133 countries from October 2018 to February 2020. 68 responses were submitted yielding 1350 separate items to review and consider. The wealth of expert contributions and inputs across all ten chapters of the Implementation Guide, including detailed comments and feedback, together with some country-level experiences leveraging the UN-IGIF, have considerably sharpened and strengthened the implementation guidance and recommended actions. As a living document, that is 'country owned and country led', there is still more that needs to be done. The finalization and digital publication efforts are an immediate priority of and guided by the United Nations High-level Group on the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (HLG-IGIF).
2022 versions
- Solving the Puzzle - Arabic | English | French | Spanish
- Strategic Pathway 1: Governance and Institutions - Arabic | English | French | Spanish
- Strategic Pathway 2: Policy and Legal (forthcoming)
- Strategic Pathway 3: Financial - Arabic | English | French | Spanish
- Strategic Pathway 4: Data (forthcoming)
- Strategic Pathway 5: Innovation(forthcoming)
- Strategic Pathway 6: Standards - Arabic | English | French | Spanish
- Strategic Pathway 7: Partnerships - Arabic | English | French | Spanish
- Strategic Pathway 8: Capacity and Education - Arabic | English | French | Spanish
- Strategic Pathway 9: Communication and Engagement - Arabic | English | French | Spanish
Consultation drafts (March - July 2020)
- Solving the Puzzle - English
- Strategic Pathway 1: Governance and Institutions - English | Appendices
- Strategic Pathway 2: Policy and Legal - English | Appendices
- Strategic Pathway 3: Financial - English | Appendices
- Strategic Pathway 4: Data - English | Appendices
- Strategic Pathway 5: Innovation - English | Appendices
- Strategic Pathway 6: Standards - English | Appendices
- Strategic Pathway 7: Partnerships - English | Appendices
- Strategic Pathway 8: Capacity and Education - English | Appendices
- Strategic Pathway 9: Communication and Engagement -
English |
Annual sessions
- Fifteenth session
- Fourteenth session
- Thirteenth session
- Twelfth session
- Eleventh session
- Past sessions