- Opening Statement
- Report of the Session E/2022/46-E/C.20/2021/16 : Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
- E/C.20/2021/1 - Provisional Agenda : Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
- E/C.20/2021/2/Rev.1 - Organization of Work (revised) : Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
- E/C.20/2021/3 - Rules of Procedure : Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
- E/C.20/2021/CRP.1 - Entities invited to participate in the session as observers
- E/C.20/2021/INF/1 - Documentation for the Session
- E/C.20/2021/4 - Summary : Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
- E/C.20/2021/4/Add.1 - Report
- Introductory statement
- Background Document
- Proforma for submission of written statement for Agenda item #3
- E/C.20/2021/5 - Summary : Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
- E/C.20/2021/5/Add.1 - Report
- Introductory statement - Thematic groups
- Introductory statement - Regional Committees
Background Documents
- UN-GGIM: Africa: French | English
- UN-GGIM: Americas
- UN-GGIM: Arab States
- UN-GGIM: Europe
- Academic Network
- Geospatial Societies
- Private Sector Network: Report | Geospatial Industries Advancing the SDGs
- UN Geospatial Network: Report | Generic job profiles for the UN System | Geospatial for Humanity | Geospatial in Action
- Proforma for submission of written statement for Agenda item #4
- E/C.20/2021/6 - Summary : Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
- E/C.20/2021/6/Add.1 - Report
- Introductory statement
Background Documents
- Proforma for submission of written statement for Agenda item #5
- E/C.20/2021/7 - Summary : Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
- E/C.20/2021/7/Add.1 - Report
- Introductory statement
- Background Documents
- Proforma for submission of written statement for Agenda item #6
- E/C.20/2021/8 - Summary : Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
- E/C.20/2021/8/Add.1 - Report
- Introductory statement
- Background Document
Proforma for submission of written statement for Agenda item #7 - E/C.20/2021/9 - Summary : Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
- E/C.20/2021/9/Add.1 - Report
- Introductory statement
- Background Documents
- Proforma for submission of written statement for Agenda item #8
- E/C.20/2021/10 - Summary : Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
- E/C.20/2021/10/Add.1 - Report
- Introductory statement
- Proforma for submission of written statement for Agenda item #9
- E/C.20/2021/11 - Summary : Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
- E/C.20/2021/11/Add.1 (revised) - Report
- Introductory statement
- Background Document
- Proforma for submission of written statement for Agenda item #10
- E/C.20/2021/12 - Summary : Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
- E/C.20/2021/12/Add.1 - Report
- Introductory statement
- Proforma for submission of written statement for Agenda item #11
- E/C.20/2021/13 - Summary : Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
- E/C.20/2021/13/Add.1 - Report
- Introductory statement
- Proforma for submission of written statement for Agenda item #12
- E/C.20/2021/14 - Summary : Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
- E/C.20/2021/14/Add.1 - Report
- Introductory statement
- Background Document
- Proforma for submission of written statement for Agenda item #13
- E/C.20/2021/15 - Summary : Arabic | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
- E/C.20/2021/15/Add.1 - Report
- Introductory statement
- Proforma for submission of written statement for Agenda item #14
- Member States: Heads of Delegation or designated officials on their behalf (as provided in formal notification to the Secretariat).
- Regional Committees of UN-GGIM: by the Chair/President; and
- Observers: by the designated Lead Person of the entity invited by the Committee of Experts to participate in the eleventh session (as listed in E/C.20/2021/CRP.1).
- Pakistan (13 August 2021)
- Denmark (13 August 2021)
- The Netherlands (16 August 2021)
- United Kingdom (16 August 2021)
- Germany (16 August 2021)
- Japan (17 August 2021)
- Singapore (17 August 2021)
- Argentina (17 August 2021)
- Philippines (17 August 2021)
- Norway (17 August 2021)
- India (17 August 2021)
- Mexico (17 August 2021)
- Australia (18 August 2021)
- Sweden (18 August 2021)
- Ireland (18 August 2021)
- South Africa (19 August 2021)
- Saudi Arabia (19 August 2021)
- Rwanda (19 August 2021)
- Republic of Korea (20 August 2021)
- Colombia (20 August 2021)
- Chile (20 August 2021)
- Belgium (23 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Europe (12 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Americas (16 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Africa (17 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Arab States (19 August 2021)
- ICA (16 August 2021)
- EuroGeographics (18 August 2021)
- EARSC (19 August 2021)
- WGIC (19 August 2021)
- Japan (17 August 2021)
- United States of America (17 August 2021)
- Mexico (17 August 2021)
- Canada (18 August 2021)
- Sweden (18 August 2021)
- Saudi Arabia (19 August 2021)
- Jamaica (20 August 2021)
- Colombia (20 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Africa (17 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Arab States (19 August 2021)
- EARSC (19 August 2021)
- The Netherlands (16 August 2021)
- United Kingdom (16 August 2021)
- Germany (16 August 2021)
- Malaysia (17 August 2021)
- Japan (17 August 2021)
- Singapore (17 August 2021)
- Armenia (17 August 2021)
- Argentina (17 August 2021)
- United States of America (17 August 2021)
- Philippines (17 August 2021)
- Norway (17 August 2021)
- India (17 August 2021)
- Mexico (17 August 2021)
- Fiji (17 August 2021)
- Canada (18 August 2021)
- Finland (18 August 2021)
- Sweden (18 August 2021)
- Ireland (18 August 2021)
- South Africa (19 August 2021)
- Saudi Arabia (19 August 2021)
- Indonesia (20 August 2021)
- Republic of Korea (20 August 2021)
- Jamaica (20 August 2021)
- Colombia (20 August 2021)
- Chile (20 August 2021)
- Belgium (23 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Europe (12 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Americas (16 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Africa (17 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Arab States (19 August 2021)
- ICA (17 August 2021)
- EuroGeographics (18 August 2021)
- EARSC (19 August 2021)
- WGIC (19 August 2021)
- United Kingdom (16 August 2021)
- Germany (16 August 2021)
- Japan (17 August 2021)
- Singapore (17 August 2021)
- Armenia (17 August 2021)
- Argentina (17 August 2021)
- Austria (17 August 2021)
- United States of America (17 August 2021)
- Philippines (17 August 2021)
- Norway (17 August 2021)
- India (17 August 2021)
- Mexico (17 August 2021)
- Canada (18 August 2021)
- Indonesia (18 August 2021)
- Finland (18 August 2021)
- Sweden (18 August 2021)
- Ireland (18 August 2021)
- Saudi Arabia (19 August 2021)
- Republic of Korea (20 August 2021)
- Jamaica (20 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Europe (12 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Americas (16 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Africa (17 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Arab States (19 August 2021)
- EuroGeographics (18 August 2021)
- IAG (19 August 2021)
- United Kingdom (16 August 2021)
- Japan (17 August 2021)
- Argentina (17 August 2021)
- Philippines (17 August 2021)
- India (17 August 2021)
- Mexico (17 August 2021)
- Sweden (18 August 2021)
- Ireland (18 August 2021)
- South Africa (19 August 2021)
- Saudi Arabia (19 August 2021)
- Jamaica (20 August 2021)
- Colombia (20 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Europe (12 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Americas (16 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Africa (17 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Arab States (19 August 2021)
- EuroGeographics (18 August 2021)
- EARSC (19 August 2021)
- Germany (16 August 2021)
- Argentina (17 August 2021)
- Austria (17 August 2021)
- United States of America (17 August 2021)
- Philippines (17 August 2021)
- India (17 August 2021)
- Mexico (17 August 2021)
- Japan (17 August 2021)
- Canada (18 August 2021)
- Finland (18 August 2021)
- Sweden (18 August 2021)
- Ireland (18 August 2021)
- Jamaica (20 August 2021)
- Colombia (20 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Europe (12 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Americas (16 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Africa (17 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Arab States (19 August 2021)
- EARSC (19 August 2021)
- The Netherlands (16 August 2021)
- Germany (16 August 2021)
- Singapore (17 August 2021)
- Philippines (17 August 2021)
- India (17 August 2021)
- Mexico (17 August 2021)
- Australia (18 August 2021)
- Sweden (18 August 2021)
- Ireland (18 August 2021)
- Jamaica (20 August 2021)
- Chile (20 August 2021)
- Belgium (23 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Europe (12 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Africa (17 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Arab States (19 August 2021)
- EuroGeographics (18 August 2021)
- EARSC (19 August 2021)
- FIG (24 August 2021)
- Germany (16 August 2021)
- Japan (17 August 2021)
- Argentina (17 August 2021)
- United States of America (17 August 2021)
- Philippines (17 August 2021)
- Mexico (17 August 2021)
- Australia (18 August 2021)
- Sweden (18 August 2021)
- Jamaica (20 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Europe (12 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Americas (16 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Africa (17 August 2021)
- EARSC (19 August 2021)
- WGIC (19 August 2021)
- Japan (17 August 2021)
- Singapore (17 August 2021)
- United States of America (17 August 2021)
- Philippines (17 August 2021)
- Norway (17 August 2021)
- Mexico (17 August 2021)
- Canada (18 August 2021)
- Australia (18 August 2021)
- Sweden (18 August 2021)
- India (19 August 2021)
- South Africa (19 August 2021)
- Jamaica (20 August 2021)
- Republic of Korea (23 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Europe (12 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Africa (17 August 2021)
- EARSC (19 August 2021)
- The Netherlands (16 August 2021)
- United Kingdom (16 August 2021)
- Malaysia (17 August 2021)
- Philippines (17 August 2021)
- India (17 August 2021)
- Mexico (17 August 2021)
- Canada (18 August 2021)
- Sweden (18 August 2021)
- Ireland (18 August 2021)
- Saudi Arabia (19 August 2021)
- Colombia (20 August 2021)
- Belgium (23 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Europe (12 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Africa (17 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Arab States (19 August 2021)
- EuroGeographics (18 August 2021)
- EARSC (19 August 2021)
- United Kingdom (16 August 2021)
- Germany (16 August 2021)
- Argentina (17 August 2021)
- Philippines (17 August 2021)
- India (17 August 2021)
- Mexico (17 August 2021)
- Canada (18 August 2021)
- Sweden (18 August 2021)
- Ireland (18 August 2021)
- Colombia (20 August 2021)
- Chile (20 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Europe (12 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Africa (17 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Arab States (19 August 2021)
- EARSC (19 August 2021)
- United Kingdom (16 August 2021)
- Germany (16 August 2021)
- Austria (17 August 2021)
- Argentina (17 August 2021)
- India (17 August 2021)
- Mexico (17 August 2021)
- Canada (18 August 2021)
- Sweden (18 August 2021)
- Saudi Arabia (19 August 2021)
- Jamaica (20 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Europe (12 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Americas (16 August 2021)
- UN-GGIM: Africa (17 August 2021)
- EuroGeographics (18 August 2021)
- Opening Session - Co-Chair of UN-GGIM - Ms. Rosamond Bing
- Agenda item #1 - Mexico
- Agenda item #1 - Morocco
- Agenda item #3 - UN-GGIM: Europe and Slovenia
- Agenda item #3 - UN-GGIM: Africa
- Agenda item #3 - Sweden
- Agenda item #3 - United Kingdom
- Agenda item #3 - ICA
- Agenda item #5 - UN-GGIM: Europe and Sweden
- Agenda item #5 - UN-GGIM: Arab States
- Agenda item #5 - Cameroon
- Agenda item #5 - South Africa
- Agenda item #6 - UN-GGIM: Europe and Germany
- Agenda item #6 - UN-GGIM: Americas
- Agenda item #6 - UN-GGIM-AP
- Agenda item #6 - IAG
- Agenda item #9 - UN-GGIM Europe and Netherlands
- Agenda item #10 - UN-GGIM: Americas
- Agenda item #11 - USA
- Agenda item #12 - Canada
- Agenda item #12 - Sweden
- Agenda item #12 - Centre for Spatial Law and Policy
- Agenda item #13 - Australia
- Agenda item #13 - OGC
- Member States: by the Head of Delegation, Representative or Lead Member (as provided in formal notification to the Secretariat) or Permanent Missions to the UN in New York;
- Invited Observers: by the designated Lead Person of the entity invited by the Committee of Experts to participate in the eleventh session (as listed in E/C.20/2021/CRP.1).
- Mr. Liu Zhenmin, Under-Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs
Guidelines for submission of written statements:
A standard proforma for completing written statements for each of the substantive agenda items can be downloaded as a Word document from the 'Meeting Documents' page against each agenda item.
Written statements referring to specific agenda items may be submitted by the following:
Please use a separate proforma for each agenda item. The submission of written statements will facilitate discussions and general debate for the agenda item.
Delegates are invited to submit their written statements to the Secretariat (teo@un.org and frani@un.org). All proformas received will be date-stamped and uploaded in pdf format to the UN-GGIM eleventh session website, in the language received, as soon as feasible (except over weekends).
Due to the potential volume of submissions within a condensed period, we encourage written statements to be brief, provided in English if possible, focused on the main discussion items before the Committee of Experts, and provided to the Secretariat by 17 August 2021. Statements received after this date will be posted until the conclusion of the agenda item but may not be fully captured within the initial summaries for each agenda item.
Agenda item #3 - Strengthening of geospatial information management
Member StatesRegional Committees of UN-GGIM
Agenda item #4 - Contribution of regional committees and thematic groups to the global geospatial information agenda
Member StatesRegional Committees of UN-GGIM
Agenda item #5 - Integrated Geospatial Information Framework
Member StatesRegional Committees of UN-GGIM
Agenda item #6 - Global geodetic reference frame
Member StatesRegional Committees of UN-GGIM
Agenda item #7 - Geospatial information for sustainable development
Member StatesRegional Committees of UN-GGIM
Agenda item #8 - Integration of geospatial, statistical and other related information
Member StatesRegional Committees of UN-GGIM
Agenda item #9 - Application of geospatial information related to land administration and management
Member StatesRegional Committees of UN-GGIM
Agenda item #10 - Geospatial information and services for disasters
Member StatesRegional Committees of UN-GGIM
Agenda item #11 - Marine geospatial information
Member StatesRegional Committees of UN-GGIM
Agenda item #12 - Legal and policy frameworks, including issues related to authoritative data
Member StatesRegional Committees of UN-GGIM
Agenda item #13 - Implementation and adoption of standards for the global geospatial information community
Member StatesRegional Committees of UN-GGIM
Agenda item #14 - Collaboration with the UN Group of Experts on Geographical Names
Member StatesRegional Committees of UN-GGIM
1st Meeting, 23 August 2021
2nd Meeting, 24 August 2021
3rd Meeting, 27 August 2021
Informal paper containing draft decisions of the eleventh session:
The Informal paper containing draft decisions, with agreed refinements and edits, third meeting of the eleventh session, 27 August 2021.
Draft decision 11/102 of the eleventh session:
Draft decision 11/102 of the eleventh session for consideration under Agenda item #17 at the 3rd meeting, 27 August 2021:
Informal paper containing draft decisions for consideration at the 3rd meeting, 27 August 2021:
Informal paper containing draft decisions with proposed refinements and edits, 26 August 2021
Guidelines for proposing refinements to the draft decisions:
A standard proforma for providing written proposals for refinements or edits against each draft decision item can be downloaded as a Word document below.
Written proposals for refining or editing the draft decisions may be submitted by the following:
Once completed, written proposals on the proforma should be emailed to: : teo@un.org; frani@un.org and copy: scott12@un.org
Please provide your written proposals to the UN-GGIM Secretariat as soon as practical but before 07:00 a.m. (New York), 26 August 2021.
Annual sessions
- Fifteenth session
- Fourteenth session
- Thirteenth session
- Twelfth session
- Eleventh session
- Past sessions