The United Nations Statistics Division convened the first meeting of the United Nations Expert Group on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information, from 30 October - 1 November 2013 in New York. This Expert Group, recently established in pursuance of Decision 44/101 taken by the UN Statistical Commission and Decision 3/107 taken by the UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management, is composed of representatives of both statistical and geospatial communities. It aims to carry the work on developing a statistical spatial framework as a global standard for the integration of statistical and geospatial information.
The purpose of the first meeting of the Expert Group on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information was to further debate and finalize the proposed Terms of Reference and review a detailed work plan to be centered around the following topics: geospatially coding statistics, geographic data linking, common geographic classifications, metadata standards and interoperability, confidentiality and data access, etc.
List of Documents
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/L1, Provisional Agenda (30 October 2013)
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/L2, Information Note for participants
- SA/STAT/AC.279/L3, List of Participants
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/L4, Final Report
Presentation Materials
- Item 3: UNSC program review 'Developing a statistical-spatial framework in national statistical systems'
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P1, UNSD-Summary of the Programme Review
- Item 5: Towards a Global Statistical Geospatial Framework-Overview presentations:
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P3, Australian Bureau of Statistics
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P4, INEGI-Mexico
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P5, UNSD-Future Trends
- Item 6: Towards a Global Statistical Geospatial Framework-Geospatially coding statistics
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P6, Eurostat
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P7, Statistics Finland
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P8, National Geographic Information Institute(NGII)-Republic of Korea
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P9, Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)-Germany
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P10, Statistics Norway
- Item 8: Towards a Global Statistical Geospatial Framework-Common geographic classifications and boundaries
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P11, Australian Bureau of Statistics
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P12, INEGI-Mexico
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P13, US Census Bureau
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P20, National Statistics Center, Japan
- Item 9: Towards a Global Statistical Geospatial Framework-Metadata standards and interoperability (location and geo-referencing)
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P14, UNSD (Summary- Standards paper
- Item 10: Towards a Global Statistical Geospatial Framework-Overarching topics
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P16, IBGE-Brazil, Presentation
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P17, Survey General of Poland
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P18, Australian Bureau of Statistics
- ESA/STAT/AC.279/P19, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation-India,
Annual sessions
- Fifteenth session
- Fourteenth session
- Thirteenth session
- Twelfth session
- Eleventh session
- Past sessions