The Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management in its Decision 9/112 in August 2019, under its Agenda item on 'national institutional arrangements in global geospatial information management' welcomed the report of the working group on trends in national institutional arrangements and noted the significant efforts of the group to document implementation steps, known practices and recommendations of national institutional arrangements. The Committee of Experts recommended that the valuable body of work on institutional arrangements be transitioned into the further development of the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework, and that further work on national institutional arrangements be undertaken at the regional level, as appropriate.
The overall objective of the UNGGIM Working Group on National Institutional Arrangements (UN-GGIM Working Group on NIA) is the identification of best practices, sets of institutional models and legal frameworks for national geospatial information management and interoperability between different systems and institutions responsible for its management, while ensuring uniformity and standardization. The institutional models should provide Governments with options on how best to create national geospatial entities..
Work Plan
Good Practices for NIA Instruments
Additional Documents
- Report presented at the Fifth Session of UN-GGIM in August 2015, E/C.20/2015/5/Add.1
- Background document-Trends in national institutional arrangements in geospatial information management
- Introductory presentation at the 5th UN-GGIM Session in August 2015
- 5th Session Side Event on Institutional Arrangements
Working Group Meeting during the 4th Session of the UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management, New York, 7 August 2014