Parallel Session : Digital Economy, Location Analytics and Big Data
"Ubiquitous location values and big data analytics"
- Wednesday, 21 November 2018
- 9:00 – 10:30 am
E304, Exhibition Center
This session will help identify areas where the bottleneck of current practices in technology, business modes, and regulations exist, and how to break through these difficulties. The session provides insight into what can be done by policy makers to accomplish the power of location analytics in the future. The session will be of interest to R&D organization leaders, educators, and government policy makers. Discussions on advances and practices of geospatial location and big data analytics that create added economic and societal value in different countries are presented as well as a future roadmap of technology and business development. This session will also discuss the role of research and education organizations in this development. The expected outcome of the session includes status of current indoor/outdoor location technologies, current practices of location analytics that create new business and economic value in different countries; a future development roadmap of location driven applications that create the wellbeing, economic values, and resolve the challenges of human society.
Prof. Jarkko Koskinen, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute, Finland - Prof. Ruizhi Chen, Wuhan University
- Mr. Miska Petteri Kuusisto, Bitwise Oy
- Mr. Yuelong Su, AutoNavi Software Co., Ltd.
Mr. Jingbin Liu, Wuhan University
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