Parallel Session : Digital Silk Road and International Partnerships
"Standards That Make Innovation Possible"
- Tuesday, 20 November 2018
- 14:00 – 15:30 pm
E308, Exhibition Center
This session speaks to the importance of standards in the advancement of geospatial information. Experts present information on current standards in development, how to apply standards in daily geospatial information responsibilities, and suggest various resources helpful to organizations responsible for geospatial information. As background, ISO/TC 211 is responsible for global standardization in the field of geospatial information. Several initiatives in the committee address core issues of global geospatial information management; sustainable development monitoring, land administration and addressing, building smart societies, global geodetic reference frames. Since the standards developed by ISO/TC 211 actively contribute to authoritative, decisions in any field involving geographic or location content, the committee has good cooperation with other ISO committee and standardization organizations. Examples of some of the projects are;
- - Land Administration Domain model in cooperation with FIG, OGC, IHO, DOALOS, World Bank, FAO & UN-HABITAT
- - Addresses to determine identification and location
- - Establishing a ISO register of geodetic codes and parameters
- - ISO/TC 204, intelligent transport systems, to support autonomous driving.
- - ISO/TC 59, to describe measures to lower the barriers and increase interoperability between GIS and BIM.
Mr. Olaf Magnus Østensen, Norwegian Mapping Authority, Norway - Mr. Christopher Body, ISO/TC 211 Land administration
- Ms. Serena Coetzee, University of Pretoria
- Mr. Trond Harald Hovland, ITS Norway
Mr. Olaf Magnus Østensen, Norwegian Mapping Authority, Norway
Annual sessions
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- Thirteenth session
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- Eleventh session
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