Parallel Session : Growing Global Geospatial Capability and Capacity
"National Mapping and Geospatial Agencies; To change is to prosper"
- Tuesday, 20 November 2018
- 14:00 – 15:30
E306, Exhibition Center
This session provides a future roadmap for consideration by national mapping and geospatial agencies (NMGAs). At this time of great change, the mantra 'evolve or die' has never held so true. This panel of global NMGA chief executives looks beyond the challenges to debate the steps NMGAs can take to remain a critical element of national infrastructures. Geospatial enablement is no longer the preserve of NMGAs, rather a collaboration between a range of data-ecosystem stakeholders. NMGAs may need to get closer to customers including emerging smart cities and automation, utilise new technology including managed services, potentially move up the 'value chain' and equally encourage digital administration and businesses. The geospatial community continues to transform as the world increasingly uses location to unlock value. NMGAs are rightly seen as fundamental national GI providers yet require substantial political and fiscal investment to deliver future needs. While challenges persist, NMGAs have an opportunity to respond.
Mr. David Henderson, Ordnance Survey, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Mr. Brett Dixon, Esri
- Mr. Mikael Lilje, Landmateriet, Sweden
- Ms. Ingrid Vanden Berghe, National Geographic Institute, Belgium
- Mr. Oumar Ka, ANAT, Senegal
- Ms. Paloma Merodio Gomez, INEGI, Mexico
- Mr. Tan Boon Khai, Singapore Land Authority, Singapore
- Lieutenant General Girish Kumar, Surveyor General, Survey of India, India
Mr. John Kedar, Ordnance Survey, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Annual sessions
- Fifteenth session
- Fourteenth session
- Thirteenth session
- Twelfth session
- Eleventh session
- Past sessions