Parallel Session : Digital Economy, Location Analytics and Big Data
"Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles"
- Tuesday, 20 November 2018
- 14:00 – 15:30
E304, Exhibition Center
The session is of interest to the transportation and geospatial communities through the applications of high-precision mapping and autonomous driving which will be presented via examples and simulation experiences. Approximately 100 km of a high precision e-map near the session site will be displayed. These advances are made possible by combining engineering practices of intelligent transportation with automated driving where the future development of geographic information will be discussed as a result of the compilation of special reports on aspects of high-precision mapping and autonomous driving. Chinese scholars and entrepreneurs have been invited to report efforts, achievements and referential experience that China has made in setting standards for a high-precision map. The achievements of the session will be released in the form of intelligent transportation and autonomous driving applications-oriented reference models, which have been recognized by relevant national ministries and commissions of China.
Mr. Liu Jingnan, Wuhan University - Mr. Li Keqiang, Tsinghua University
- Mr. Fang Shouen, Tongji University
- Mr. Sheng Leshan, Department of Natural Resources of Zhejiang Province, China
- Mr. Ma Changjie, Baidu, Inc.
Mr. Jiang Weiping, Wuhan University
Annual sessions
- Fifteenth session
- Fourteenth session
- Thirteenth session
- Twelfth session
- Eleventh session
- Past sessions