Parallel Session : Measuring and Monitoring the SDGs
"Geospatial Disaggregation and Aggregation for the SDGs"
- Tuesday, 20 November 2018
- 14:00 – 15:30
E303, Exhibition Center
This session examines the current state-of-the-art in aggregation and disaggregation of geographical data, and discusses potential approaches in the development of new methodologies and tools, particularly from a geographic location perspective. In order to enable a better understanding and reporting of the SDGs' status and progress, the SDG indicators need to be disaggregated with specific categories of interest or locality (a "top-down" approach), or aggregated from sub-national to national to global scale (a "bottom-up" approach). The Interagency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators Working Group on Geospatial Information (IAEG-SDG WGGI) concluded that geospatial information is able to provide enabling methodologies for disaggregating and aggregating data across both demography and geography and has organized a Taskforce Stream to address these issues.The session will report the achievements and activities by IAEG-SDG WGGI.
Dr. Donna Clarke, University of Southampton - Prof Zhilin LI, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Prof. ZHAO Xuesheng, China University of Ming and Technology (Beijing)
- Prof. Chen Jun, National Geomatics Center of China
Mr. Zhilin Li Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Annual sessions
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