Parallel Session : Growing Global Geospatial Capability and Capacity

"FIS4SDGs: Engaging government and citizens with the SDGs"

This session will explore how countries and agencies are setting a vision for achieving the SDGs through a federated SDG Data Hub. Using location information as the framework, the approach integrates data from different systems using the common denominator of location and applies maps and spatial reasoning to explore data in intuitive ways so that a deeper understanding of the complexities and dependencies inherent in the SDGs can be realized by the wider community. Applied national examples and a demonstration of the SDG Hub 'on the Environment' will be presented from countries and the development community to illustrate their local vision. The approach demonstrates the ability for Member States, UNSD and SDG stakeholders to share data, knowledge, information management and best practices in monitoring the SDGs and their implementation in a more holistic and consolidated manner. By showing live examples of how countries are applying a system-of-systems approach to support the SDGs, the session will provide a model for improving internal and external collaboration on sustainable development initiatives.

  1. Presenters/Panellists:
    Ms. Lorraine McNerney, Ordnance Survey, Ireland
  2. Mr. Colin Bray, Ordnance Survey, Ireland
  3. Mr. Oliver Chinganya, African Centre for Statistics
  4. Mr. Alexandre Paulo Fernandes Varela Simoes Caldas, UN Environment
  5. Ms. Linda Peters, Esri
  6. Moderator:
    Mr. Sergio Cordova, Public Foundation

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