Opening Statements
Mr. Wu Hongbo, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs
Report of the Session ‐ E/2016/46-E/C.20/2016/15
E/C.20/2016/INF/1 - Documentation for the Session
E/C.20/2016/INF/2 - Provisional List of participants (as circulated, 10 August 2016)
Agenda item #1
Election of Officers
Agenda item #2
Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters
Agenda item #3
Contribution of regional committees and thematic groups to the global geospatial information agenda
Agenda item #4
Global geodetic reference frame
Agenda item #5
Determination of global fundamental geospatial data themes
Agenda item #6
Trends in national institutional arrangements in global geospatial information management
Agenda item #7
Legal and policy frameworks, including issues related to authoritative data
Agenda item #8
Implementation and adoption of standards for the global geospatial information community
Agenda item #9
Integration of geospatial, statistical and other related information
Agenda item #10
Application of geospatial information related to land administration and management
Agenda item #11
Activities related to sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Agenda item #12
Geospatial information and services for disasters
Agenda item #13
Knowledge base for geospatial information management
Agenda item #14
Review of United Nations activities in geospatial information management
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