Decision 12/102. UN-GGIM acknowledged that it was a timely and strategically important topic to consider, and there is need to reflect on and position the work in terms of the vision of the Committee and the geospatial community moving forward, and within the mandates provided by ECOSOC. Moreover, the Committee urged the need for understanding and clarity on how the future ecosystem would link to the work already carried out by the Committee, including the UN-IGIF, as a solid base for the future geospatial ecosystem.
The question was and now, "what is the role of UN-GGIM in advancing the future geospatial ecosystem?".
This webinar was well participate with good geographical participation. It facilitated useful discussion on the "future geospatial ecosystem" that could respond to UN-GGIM Decision 12/102. The webinar discussed how geospatial data and technologies can help overcome global challenges and embrace the opportunities that arise from mainstreaming the rapidly evolving technological and communication frontiers ahead of us, Views were expressed, including UN-GGIM's role in this "future geospatial ecosystem" that should interlink and complement, especially, ongoing and planned work items under UN-GGIM's purview, Ultimately, strengthening the interlinkages between UN-GGIM's current and future work items and positioning the Committee of Experts for the future geospatial ecosystem. The outcomes of this webinar will be captured in a report that will be tabled at the upcoming thirteenth session of UN-GGIM on 2-4 August 2023 under its provisional agenda item "The future geospatial information ecosystem".
A recording of the webinar can be accessed here:
Time | Topic | Presenter |
09:00 - 09:10 |
Introduction |
Ingrid Vanden Berghe, co-Chair UN-GGIM |
09:10 - 09:40 |
The Future Geospatial Ecosystem |
Lesley Arnold, Geospatial Frameworks |
09:40 - 10:20 |
Panel Discussion: What is the Role of UN-GGIM? |
Paloma Merodio, co-Chair UN-GGIM Deirdre Bishop, co-Chair HLG-IGIF David Henderson, Vice-Chair UN-GGIM Europe Maroale Mimi Chauke, Chair UN-GGIM Africa Joe Blecha, Trimble |
10:20 - 10:30 |
Summary Closing Remarks |
Greg Scott, UNSD Ingrid Vanden Berghe, co-Chair UN-GGIM |
The Future Geospatial Ecosystem, Ms. Lesley Arnold, Geospatial Frameworks
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