UN-GGIM WG-Disasters Conference 2020
Tokyo, Japan- 25 - 27 February 2020
The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI), United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) Working Group on Geospatial Information and Services for Disasters (WG-Disasters), Regional Committee of UN-GGIM for Asia and the Pacific (UN-GGIM-AP), and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will convene the UN-GGIM WG-Disasters Conference 2020, from 25 to 27 February 2020, at the International Conference Hall, JICA Global Plaza, Tokyo, Japan.
The WG-Disasters was established under decision 5/110 at the fifth session of the Committee of Experts in August 2015 with the mandate to develop and implement a strategic framework that brings all stakeholders and partners involved in Disaster Risk Reduction and/or Emergency Management together to ensure that quality geospatial information and services are available and accessible in a timely and coordinated way to support decision-making and operations within and across all sectors and phases of disaster risk management.
This Conference will focus on how geospatial information and related technologies are utilized to share disaster related information and disaster risk information. The aim of the conference will be to share knowledge on the importance of broad partnerships in the context of disaster response and disaster risk management. In particular, focus will be placed on the development of common global knowledge on the implementation that creates tangible values by making use of the recent development in geodesy and in web mapping.
Forum Outline
The conference begins with opening session and keynote lecture. There will be four sessions covering the contribution of geodesy and geospatial information to DRR, the utilization of geospatial information by stakeholders of DRR, disaster response and building resilience using geospatial information and geospatial technology against disasters. In the afternoon on the second day, a scenario-based exercise on web-based disaster information will be conducted.
Contact details
Conference website https://ggim-tokyo-2020.github.io/
About the content of the conference:
Mr. FUJIMIRA Hidenori +81-29-864-6445
About participation and others:
Mr. MINAMI Hidekazu +81-29-864-6159
Annual sessions
- Fifteenth session
- Fourteenth session
- Thirteenth session
- Twelfth session
- Eleventh session
- Past sessions