In its decision 5/109 in August 2015, under its Agenda item on the 'development of a statement of shared guiding principles for geospatial information management', the Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management congratulated the Working Group for their leadership in the preparation of the global Statement of Shared Guiding Principles for Geospatial Information Management, proceeded to adopt the Statement and encouraged Member States to endorse and implement the shared guiding principles for geospatial information management within their national circumstances.
The overall objective of the UN-GGIM Working Group on Development of a Statement of Shared Principles is the preparation of a preliminary proposal for a set of shared principles on the management of geospatial information. The proposal should provide simple, but clear statements, principles, common values that would help to guide the behaviour of, and serve all national and global geospatial entities engaged in, the collection, production, management, and dissemination of geospatial information.