Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management

On 27 July 2011, recognizing the need to promote international cooperation in the field of global geospatial information, the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) established the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) with ECOSOC resolution 2011/24 entitled "Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management". ECOSOC established the Committee of Experts as the apex intergovernmental mechanism for making joint decisions and setting directions with regard to the production, availability, and application of geospatial information within national, regional, and global policy frameworks.

Led by Member States, the Committee aims to address global challenges regarding the use of geospatial information, including in the development agendas, and to serve as a body for global policymaking in the field of geospatial information management. The Terms of Reference annexed to resolution 2011/24 provided the objectives, functions and operational modalities for the Committee, comprising experts from all Member States, as well as experts from international organizations as observers. In making resolution 2011/24, ECOSOC requested the Committee of Experts to present to the Council, in 2016, a comprehensive review of all aspects of its work and operations, in order to allow Member States to assess its effectiveness.

In January 2016, pursuant to Council resolution 2011/24, and following a year-long consultative process with Member States, the Committee of Experts submitted to ECOSOC its report containing the comprehensive review of the work and operations of the Committee of Experts (E/2016/47) entitled "Programme review of the work of the Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management".

On 27 July 2016, following the comprehensive programme review of the Committee's work and operations, ECOSOC adopted resolution 2016/27 entitled "Strengthening institutional arrangements on geospatial information management". The resolution broadened and strengthened the mandate of the Committee of Experts as the relevant body on geospatial information consisting of government experts, and to report on all matters relating to geography, geospatial information and related topics. In making resolution 2016/27, noting the increasing role and relevance of the Committee of Experts, ECOSOC requested that the Committee report back to the Council, no later than in five years' time, on the implementation of the resolution and to examine the strengthening of the institutional arrangements of the Committee.

In June 2022, pursuant to Council resolution 2016/27, following a global consultation and review process involving Member States and finalized by the Bureau, the Bureau of the Committee of Experts transmitted to the Council, via letter to the Vice-President of ECOSOC, its report on strengthening institutional arrangements on geospatial information management (E/2022/68) entitled "Enhancing global geospatial information management".

On 22 July 2022, ECOSOC welcomed and noted the report from the Committee of Experts (E/2022/68) and adopted resolution E/RES/2022/24 entitled "Enhancing global geospatial information management arrangements". The resolution acknowledges the achievements and progress made by the Committee of Experts in the area of global geospatial information management and its contribution to the strengthening of geospatial information management capacities and utilization in developing countries. The resolution reiterates the importance of strengthening and enhancing the effectiveness of the Committee, particularly for the achievement of its operations focused on the Sustainable Development Goals and the Integrated Geospatial Information Framework, to strengthen and ensure its continued effectiveness and benefit to all Member States. Further, the resolution updates and modifies the Terms of Reference for the Committee of Experts.


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