The United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) and the Regional Committee of United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management for Asia and the Pacific (UN-GGIM-AP), in collaboration with the Government of Malaysia, through the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, jointly organised and hosted the UN-GGIM International Forum on Policy and Legal Frameworks for Geospatial Information, in conjunction with the Fifth UN-GGIM-AP Plenary Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 16-20 October 2016.
The International Forum on Policy and Legal Frameworks for Geospatial Information was organised pursuant to decision 5/107 made at the fifth session of UN-GGIM in August 2015 (E/2015/46). The Committee of Experts is cognizant of ongoing developments and increased focus that could have an impact on policy and legal frameworks supporting geospatial information including that which relate to the collection, use, provenance and accessibility of data, such as privacy, licensing, accessibility and national security.
The geospatial community needs to be more proactively engaged with these developments as well as issues related to the development and use of newer applications arising from disruptive technologies and potentially intrusive devices. UN-GGIM also recognized the growing need for geospatial professionals to understand the legislative and regulatory processes and their implications for the entire geospatial community, and for the legal profession, regulators and legislators to understand the wider usefulness and benefits of geospatial information.
The Forum sought the continued involvement of Member States and geospatial professionals and practitioners, industry, international and regional organisations, non-governmental bodies, academia and civil societies at the highest level.
Mr. TEO CheeHai
Global Geospatial Information Management
United Nations Statistics Division
Department of Economics and Social Affairs
List of Documents
- Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Policy and Legal Frameworks for Geospatial Information
- Draft provisional agenda (as of 12 October 2016)
- Provisional Information Note for participants
- Draft Concept Note
- Discussion Paper: Developing a Legal and Policy Framework for Geoinformation Management (2013)
- Report on legal and policy frameworks for geospatial information for the sixth session of UN-GGIM (2016)
- Announcement Letter
- Summary of the Forum
Opening Session
Presentation Materials
- Keynote Presentation
- Session no. 1
- Mr. Rob Deakin (New Zealand), Geospatial open data-policy and practice in New Zealand
- Mr. Ashley Wright (United Kingdom), Open is not Enough
- Mr. Ed Parsons (Google), Open Data A Hi-Fi Approach
- Mr. Siau Yong (Singapore), Open Data Movement has grown
- Session no. 2
- Ms. Diana Marina Cooper (PrecisionHawk), Legal and Regulatory Framework for Operation of UAS
- Dato' Sri Azharuddin (Malaysia), Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia
- Mr. Sangho Lee (Republic of Korea), Status of AV in Korea
- Mr. Abhineet Jain (DigitalGlobe), Public-Private Partnership and Sustainable Development-A perspective from space
- Session no. 3
- Mr. Kevin Pomfret (Centre for Spatial Law and Policy), Privacy Concerns Associated with Geoinformation
- Dato' Jagjit Singh (Malaysia), Unique Data Protection/Privacy Concerns Associated with Government Geoinformation
- Ms. Lesley Arnold (Curtin University), Why Policy Fails, What You Can Do About It
- Mr. Kaushik Chakroborty (Bentley Systems), GeoSmart Information for Infrastructure The Digital Convergence
- Session no. 4
- Mr. Baden Appleyard (AusGoal), Opening Access to Australia's (Geospatial) Information
- Ms. Cristina Guirette (Mexico), The availability, accessiblity, use and application of geospatial data and information in the SNIEG
- Ms. Kathrene Kelm (World Bank Group), Licensing of Geospatial Data: A View from the World Bank
- Mr. Abbas Rajabifard (University of Melbourne), Spatial Data Policy and Legal Aspects Supporting Smart Future Cities
Fifth UN-GGIM-AP Plenary Meeting
- Opening Plenary Session:
- Agenda 2: Executive Report
- Agenda 3a: UN-GGIM Activities
- Agenda 3b1: Geospatial Information and Services for Disasters
- Agenda 3b2: Strategic Framework for Geospatial Information and Services for Disasters
- Agenda 4a: UN-Habitat GLTN
- Agenda 4b: UN-GGIM Academic Network
- Agenda 4c: UN-GGIM Private Sector Network
- Agenda 5a: UN-GGIM-AP Working Group I
- Agenda 5b: UN-GGIM-AP Working Group II
- Agenda 5c: UN-GGIM-AP Working Group III
- Agenda 5d: UN-GGIM-AP Working Group IV
- Closing Plenary Session:
- Agenda 5a2: UN-GGIM-AP Working Group I
- Agenda 5b2: UN-GGIM-AP Working Group II
- Agenda 5c2: UN-GGIM-AP Working Group III
- Agenda 6: Amendments to Statutes
- Agenda 7: International Forum
- Agenda 9: Sixth Plenary Meeting
Annual sessions
- Fifteenth session
- Fourteenth session
- Thirteenth session
- Twelfth session
- Eleventh session
- Past sessions