The First Expert Group Meeting of the IAEG-SDGs Working Group on Geospatial Information was hosted by Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) at its premises in Ciudad de México. It was attended by 30 participants that included invited international and national experts and a couple of observers. The Meeting was officially opened by the President of INEGI, Dr. Julio Santaella Castella, who noted the immense value of the integration of statistics and geography to produce sound, rigorous, timely and effective ways of monitoring the SDGs, and welcomed the formation of the Working Group. Mr. Enrique Ordaz, Co-Chair of the IAEG-SDGs, gave the keynote presentation and provided a status report of the global indicator framework, particularly in relation to the outcomes and decisions at the recently concluded 4th meeting of the IAEG-SDGs. This first substantive technical meeting in Mexico City from 12-14 December 2016 focused and worked to identify, prioritize and begin to develop the "how" to address identified geospatial information contributions, issues and gaps to the global indicator framework and the SDGs. The Working Group agreed to the formation of six task teams to further advance the task before the Working Group.
Documentation for the First Expert Group Meeting
- Concept Note
- Information Note
- Visa and Requirements to visit Mexico
- Provisional Agenda (as of 9 December 2016)
- List of Participants
- Welcome Remark
- Summary Report
- Photos
Presentation Materials
- Day 1
- Progress Report of the IEAG- SDG
- Mr. Enrique Ordaz (Mexico), IAEG-SDGs co-Chair
- Agenda 2030 Planeación del Desarrollo Sostenible
- Mr. Mario Chocoteco (Mexico)
- Agenda
- Mr. Peter ter Haar (United Kingdom)
- Overview
- Mr. Teo CheeHai (UN-GGIM Secretariat)
- Data integration & National Activities
- Ms. Marie Haldorson (Sweden)
- Geo-Statistical integraion and Institutional Arrangements for better policy outputs: Lessons learned in Mexico
- Mr. Rolando Ocampo Alcántar (Mexico)
- Monitoring the SDG's: A perspective on how we are addressing the SDG's in Denmark
- Mr. Olav Eggers (Denmark)
- Mexico's approach to the SDG Indicators A work in progress
- Mr. Jose Luis Ornelas and Mr. Eduardo de la Torre (Mexico)
- Informing SDG Indicators with Land Cover and Change (LCC)
- Mr. Chen Jun (China)
- The integration between geoespatial and statistical information in Brazil and the Sustainable Development Goals
- Mr. Claudio Stenner (Brazil)
- Measure Sustainable Cities and Communities based on Indicators on Urbanization
- Mr. John Shi (China)
- GEO and the 2030 Agenda
- Mr. Giovanni Rum (GEO Secretariat)
- Mechanisms to Steer Implementation of SDGs
- Mr. Justus Bernard Muhwezi (Uganda)
- Global Observa1ons of Forest Cover and Land Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD): updates and progress for SDGs
- Mr. Martin Herold (Netherlands)
- Regional, and National Activities and Initiatives "The Current State of Understanding"
- Mr. Tim Trainor (USA)
- Day 2
- The EAGLE Concept-Paving the way for a new European Land Monitoring System
- Mr. Stephan Arnold (Germany)
- The "Data" Ecosystem: Unlocking the power of (official) information
- Mr. Greg Scott (UN-GGIM Secretariat)
- Discussion materials for definition of scope, quality criteria and innovative approaches to indicator monitoring
- Mr. Peter ter Haar (United Kingdom)
- Scope and Milestone
- Mr. Teo CheeHai (UN-GGIM Secretariat)
- Day 3
- Breakout Group 1
- Breakout Group 2
- Indicator Analysis
- Summary Report
- Breakout Group 3
- WGGI Task Teams
Annual sessions
- Fifteenth session
- Fourteenth session
- Thirteenth session
- Twelfth session
- Eleventh session
- Past sessions