The questionnaire on the status of national geospatial information management systems was circulated to all 193 Member States of the United Nations. Figure 1 in the attached Annex shows the number of responses from Member States per region is as follows: Europe (20); Asia & Pacific (13); Americas (11); Africa (9); Middle East (5). The objective of the global survey is to capture the status of geospatial information management to create a Member State profile that describes the organisational, technological, data and standards, legal and capacity characteristics of their national geospatial information management activities in order to help shape the strategic direction for the work of the Committee of Experts. The continued information gained should serve as a measure for the Committee’s progress and used to promote general awareness of geospatial information management initiatives across Member States. See results in the report E/C.20/2013/5/Add.1 presented to the 3rd session of UN-GGIM, held in Cambridge in July 2013.
| 7 years |
| 11 years |
| 11 years |