The questionnaire was distributed globally in December 2012 by the Secretariat of UN-GGIM to the national mapping agencies of the Member States. The global geodetic questionnaire, requested by the Committee of Experts, was initially drafted by the Geodetic Reference Framework for Sustainable Development Working Group of UN-GGIM-AP, and further developed at a technical workshop on the margins of the UNRCC-AP held in Bangkok, October 2012. As of 16 May 2013, there were 99 questionnaire responses from 95 countries (multiple organizations from the same country completed individual surveys) which have been analyzed by the Regional Committee of United Nations Global Geospatial Information for Asia and the Pacific and the International Association of Geodesy (IAG). These include responses (percentages are calculated from the global total of countries, not by countries the questionnaire was originally sent to) from Europe (38), Asia (16), Africa (15), Middle East (10), Caribbean (5), Pacific (4), South America (4), and North America (3). See results in the report E/C.20/2013/4/Add.1 presented to the 3rd session of UN-GGIM, held in Cambridge in July 2013.