The questionnaire on the Status of Mapping in the World was distributed globally in April 2012 by the Secretariat of UN-GGIM to the national mapping agencies of the Member States (The original questionnaire was in English, accompanied by versions in French, Russian and Spanish, to support its use by a wider technical audience). The analysis was carried out by ISPRS (by Prof. Gottfried Konecny) and the initial results concerned 91 responses (from 90 UN Member States and 1 from Northern Ireland) that have been received as of the end of May 2013. In terms of the number of responses from the various regions, Europe has provided 36 responses, followed by the Americas (15), Africa (20), and by Asia and the Pacific (19). The responses cover only about 50% of the global land areas, and without the coverage of the ocean areas which constitute 2/3 of the globe (See results in the report E/C.20/2013/15/Add.1 presented to the 3rd session of UN-GGIM, held in Cambridge in July 2013).
It is worth noting that additional countries have responded and, as of the end of May 2014, the total number is 105 countries.