The United Nations Initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management in Africa (UN-GGIM: Africa) started pursuant to the resolution on UN-GGIM, adopted at the third session of the Committee on Development Information, Science and Technology (CODIST-III) in March 2013. A preparatory meeting held in Tunis, 8-12 December 2014, agreed on the work programme and elected a transitional Bureau, composed of 4 co-Chairs representing the regions of Africa and chairs of 4 Working Groups, to lead the work of the Committee for the interim period until the next session of the Committee and its formalization at the upcoming 5th Session of UN-GGIM in August 2015. The secretariat services are provided by UNECA. The aim of the UN-GGIM-Africa is to identify relevant regional geospatial information management issues and initiate actions for the furtherance of discussions of the regional entity and thus contribute to the direction of UN-GGIM to permit the economic, social and environmental benefits of geospatial information to be maximized in the African region.
| 9 years |
| 9 years |
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| 7 years |