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Uruguay SDI


Uruguay  SDI

Spatial Data Infrastructure of Uruguay (IDEuy) is an initiative of the National Executive Branch, coordinated by the AGESIC (Agency for the Management of Electronic Government and Information Society and Knowledge), which aims to position itself as an essential instrument to support decision-making through the use of geographic information. Since its inception, has sought to coordinate IDEuy, standaridze and make available geographic information generated in the country. This has been possible thanks to the valuable contribution made by public agencies on their contributions both in the information and technicians who have participated in working groups.

The beginning of the Spatial Data Infrastructure in Uruguay has been the result of an evolutionary process in which various institutions have participated.There have been several milestones that helped in the realization of the objectives. However, it can be considered that the creation of Spatial Data Infrastructure of Uruguay born with the sanction of the executive decree of June 16, 2006. It includes the need to create a National Cadastre and the coordination of spatial data infrastructure nationwide. In order to optimize the performance of IDEuy have been created within AGESIC two advisory groups: the CAHSIG and GTIDE. The first with a strategic vision while the second with a technical function. Some of the objectives to be achieved are:

- Compatibility between IG. - Avoid the lack of coordination, duplication of functions.

- Use human and material resources efficiently.

- Use common rules and standards for processes involving the handling of geographical indications.

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Last Modified: 9 Years Ago
Last Modified By: Staff_Consultant
Type: INFO
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