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Liechtenstein-Legal Framework


Legal framework and organizational issues

A legal framework taking into consideration the geo-information was treated in the Liechtenstein parliament in autumn 2004. This resulted in the law of 19 May 2005 on the Cadastre (Gesetz vom 19. Mai 2005 über die Amtliche Vermessung (Vermessungsgesetz; VermG - ) and the Ordinances of 12 July on the Cadastre and on the charges for obtaining data from the SDI of Liechtenstein Verordnung vom 12. Juli 2005 über die Gebühren für den Bezug von Daten aus der Geodateninfrastruktur Liechtenstein). The law of 19 May 2005 states that the cadastral data are the basic layers for the building the spatial data infrastructure allowing to be used for public and private purposes. A new law for the transposition of the INSPIRE has been adopted. This law regulates the development, maintenance and the organisation of the Liechtenstein SDI. The law on Geographical Information (Geoinformationsgesetz, GeoIG) was adopted by the parliament 15 December 2010 and published 1 February 2011. Together with this law, a regulation on Geographical Information (Geoinformationsverordnung, GeoIV) was adopted 30 August 2011 and published 5 September 2011. The text of the new law can be found at:, and the new regulation at:

Public-private partnerships (PPPs)

In Liechtenstein, the private sector is especially involved in the development of geographical data and products. Data is almost exclusively created by the private sector for the public administration. EC-INSPIRE: Spatial Data Infrastructures in Europe: State of play Spring 2011 Liechtenstein K.U.Leuven (SADL) 10

Policy and legislation on access to public sector information

Access to public sector information in general is guaranteed by Law no. 172.015 (Gesetz vom 19. Mai 1999 über die Information der Bevölkerung (Informationsgesetz). Directive 2003/98/EC was implemented by the Act of 29 May 2008 on the re-use of public sector information (Gesetz vom 29. Mai 2008 über die Weiterverwendung von Informationen öffentlicher Stellen – Informationsweiterverwendungsgesetz). Law no.814.02 on environmental information (Gesetz vom 22. Oktober 1992 über Umweltinformationen) provides access for every citizen to environmental information.

Legal protection of GI by intellectual property rights

Act no. 231.1 of 19 May 1999 on Copyright (Gesetz vom 19. Mai 1999 über das Urheberrecht und verwandte Schutzrechte (Urheberrechtsgesetz, URG) protects works of literature and art. It explicitly protects photographic works and maps. It replaced the Act of 1928 on Copyright. The 2001/29/EC directive on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society was implemented through amendments in 2006. There are no special regulations on legal protection of GI in Liechtenstein. All data of the NSDI are captured and maintained according to a private or public law.

Restricted access to GI further to the legal protection of privacy

In Liechtenstein the law on data protection (235.1) dates from March 14, 2002 and the respective ordinance (235.11) from July 7, 2002 (see

Licensing framework

In Liechtenstein, all public authorities use the same licensing policy. For obtaining data from the Tiefbauamt for reproduction purposes, an on-line form has to be filled out. Attribution is always required.

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