MEDINA e-infrastructure (MeI) for Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt
- 10 Years Ago
- Staff_Consultant
- UN-GGIM Resources Center
Medina project enhances the capacities of Mediterranean Northern African Countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt) to monitor their coastal and marine ecosystems through the development of indicators and the integration of coastal monitoring tools into GEOSS.The Medina e-infrastructure (MeI) is a full SDI, constructed as a compound of web services (OGC standards), that allows end users to visualize, query maps and analyse coastal data. Its design and capacities supports collaborative decision-making and marine ecosystem management. The MeI contains 80 indicators that correspond to 395 maps (37 DPSIR indicators and Ecological objectives, 10 indicators of Earth Observation and 33 indicators from Modelling).
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Last Modified: 10 Years Ago
Last Modified By: Staff_Consultant
Type: INFO
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