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UN Statistical Commission and UN-GGIM Decisions on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information Decisions


UNStatistical Commission and UN-GGIM Decisions on the Integration of Statisticaland Geospatial Information Decisions:

·Decision 44/101of UN StatCom at its 44th session in March 2013:

Welcomed the proposal of aninternational conference as a way of outreach and best practices, bringingtogether both statistical and geospatial professional communities” and“requested the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) to establish an ExpertGroup composed of representatives of both statistical and geospatial communitiesto carry the work on developing a statistical spatial framework as a globalstandard for the integration of statistical and geospatial information.


·Decision 3/107of UN-GGIM at its third Session in July 2013

“Supported the decision by the Statistical Commissionto create an Expert Group on the integration of statistical and geospatialinformation, comprising members of both the statistical and geospatialcommunities” and “supported holding an international conference on the topic”.

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Last Modified: 9 Years Ago
Last Modified By: Staff_Consultant
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