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Japan - National policy of Geospatial Information of Japan

Geospatial Information Laws/Directives/Regulatory Practice

Nationalpolicy of Geospatial Information

1.1  Basic Act for the Advancement ofUtilizing Geospatial Information

The Government enacteda new act “Basic Act for the Advancement of Utilizing Geospatial Information”(hereinafter, “NSDI Act”) in May 2007. The purpose of this act is to advancepolicies concerning the Advancement of Utilizing Geospatial Information(hereinafter, “AUGI”) in a comprehensive and well-planned manner byestablishing basic principles and clarifying the responsibilities of nationaland local governments as well as specifying basic elements for measures onAUGI, in view of the fact that AUGI is essential in establishing the economyand society in which the people can lead a safe and quality life at present andin the future. Given that geospatial information, including geospatialframework information, statistical information and geo-imagery, providesessential infrastructure for the improvement of the quality of the people’sliving and the sound development of the national economy, the NSDI Act providesthat AUGI shall be conducted based on the comprehensive and systematicimplementation of policies including accurate and proper development anddistribution of digital geospatial information, promotion of technologies likethe Geographic Information System (GIS) and Satellite-Based Positioning (SBP),capacity building, enhancement of coordination among national and localgovernments and related institutions.

 1.2Basic Plan for the Advancement of Utilizing Geospatial Information

In order to carry out policies concerning AUGI in acomprehensive and well-planned manner in accordance with the provision in theNSDI Act, the Committee for the AUGI developed “Basic plan for the Advancementof Utilizing Geospatial Information” in 2008 (Cabinet decision on April 15,2008). In the Basic Plan, basic strategies for the policies concerning AUGI,measures related to GIS and policies related to Space-based Positioning,Navigation and Timing (Space-based PNT) are 2 stated. The period of the BasicPlan is set for fiscal years 2008-2011. To promote measures formulated in thisBasic Plan, the Action Plan for the Advancement of Utilizing GeospatialInformation (G-Spatial Action Plan) was enacted in August 2008. Under theG-Spatial Action Plan, the GSI is carrying out a number of various importantmeasures including preparation, improvement, upgrading, provision, andstandardization of geospatial information such as Fundamental Geospatial Data.

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