United Nations Statistics Division
Two UN Plaza DC2-1676, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 963-3042 or (212) 963-4849
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A. Chairs


Mr. Peter Tiangco
Administrator of the National Mapping & Resource Information Agency - Philippines
Email: pntiangco@namria.gov.ph
Tel: + 63 2 810-5471

Mr. Rohan A. Richards
Principal Director, Ministry of Water, Land, Environment & Climate Change - Jamaica
Email: rohan.richards@mwlecc.gov.jm
Tel: +87 6970-0953, +87 6927-0441

B. Vision and Scope

    1. Vision: Accurate, timely and reliable geospatial information and services are available, in a coordinated way, to decision makers and operational leads prior to, during and post disasters.
    2. Scope: Develop a strategic framework that brings all stakeholders and partners involved in Disaster Risk Reduction and/or Emergency Management together to ensure for the necessary geospatial information and services to be available, of quality and accessible in a coordinated way to decision making and operations prior to, during and post disasters.

C. Terms of Reference

D. Work Plan (revised)

E. Documents

F. Activities

  • Concept Note for UN-GGIM International Forum on Geospatial Information & Services for
    Disasters to be held in Bridgetown, Barbados on 4-5 and 8 September 2016 : English, Spanish
  • Conducted a review of frameworks, laws, rules and regulations already existing among the Member States when it
    comes to the provision of geospatial information and services prior to, during and post disasters;
  • Review, complement and improve the draft framework presented during the 5th Session of the Committee;
  • WG meeting during the Fourth UN-GGIM High-Level Forum in Addis Ababa (18-22 April 2016);
  • Presence during the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul (23-24 May 2016);
  • WG progress report and latest version of the strategic framework to be presented during the Sixth Session of the Committee.
  • Task Teams teleconferences (to be posted)
  • WG-Disasters Google share drive (please contact UN-GGIM Secretariat: eom@un.org or criloux@un.org)