The Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management as per its terms of reference (Annexed to the Economic and Social Council resolution 2011/24 of 27 July 2011) is mandated to provide a forum for coordination and dialogue among Member States, and between Member States and relevant international organizations on enhanced cooperation in the field of global geospatial information. Given this mandate, noting that the 2030 Agenda calls for stronger public-private partnerships in order for new data sources and technologies to be harnessed, and in recognition of the valuable contributions to the work, growth and development of the Committee and the commitment to Member States provided by international organisations, academia and the private sector, the Committee at its 6th Session in August 2016, E/2016/46, E/C.20/2016/15, decision 6/101 agreed to the establishment of the Academic Network and the Private Sector Network.
1. ACADEMIC Network
The UN-GGIM Academic Network is a coalition of recognized universities and research and education centers involved in research, development and education on geospatial, land information and related matters, run on a volunteer basis. Its primary objective is to support the aims and objectives of Committee of Experts by facilitating access globally to research and education capabilities for UN-GGIM and its affiliated members in order to identify and respond to challenges and opportunities for UN-GGIM and related UN offices.
Executive Body
- Chair : Prof. Abbas Rajabifard Head,
Director, Centre for SDIs and Land Administration &
Head, Department of Infrastructure Engineering
The University of Melbourne, Australia
- Secretary : Prof. Daniel Paez
University of Los Andes, Colombia
- Advisory Board :
Prof. Huayi Wu, Wuhan University, China
Prof. Joep Crompvoets, KU Leuven, Belgium
Prof. David Coleman, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Prof. Harlan Onsrud, University of Maine, USA
Prof. Menno-Jan Kraak, University of Twente, Netherlands
Prof. Josef Strobl, University of Salzburg, Austria
Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Prof. Jide Kufoniyi, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria
- Website : http://unggim.academicnetwork.org/
- Brochure: How to join?

2. UN-GGIM: Geospatial Societies’ (UN-GGIM GS)
The UN-GGIM: Geospatial Societies is a coalition of the Presidents, Secretaries-General or equivalent office bearers or their nominees that lead recognized international organizations involved in the coordination, development, management, standardization or regulation of geospatial information and related matters.
Executive Body
- Chair : Prof. Tony Milne
- Members :
i. Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) Association
ii. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS)
iii. International Association of Geodesy (IAG)
iv. International Cartographic Association (ICA)
v. International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)
vi. International Geographical Union (IGU)
vii. International Map Industry Association (IMIA)
viii. International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
- Website:
3. PRIVATE SECTOR Network (psn)
Private Sector Network (PSN) is intended to facilitate a direct connection and communication for the private sector to work with Member States towards achieving success in global geospatial initiatives. The PSN shall facilitate an ongoing dialogue for collaboration between and amongst members of UN-GGIM and participants of the PSN to develop, build and extend the world's capacity to benefit from geospatial information, enabling countries to build capacity in geospatial information, technologies and services
Private Sector Network Board
- Chair: Private Sector Network
Sanjay Kumar, CEO, Geospatial Media and Communications, India
- Vice Chair: UNGGIM Private Sector Network Secretariat
Anamika Das, Vice President, Geospatial Media and Communications, India
Private Sector Network Representatives to UNGGIM Regional Entities
- Vice Chair: Private Sector Network: UNGGIM Asia Pacific
Mark Freeburn, CEO AAM Group, Australia
- Vice Chair: Private Sector Network: UNGGIM Europe
Prof Henk Scholten, CEO Geodan, The Netherlands
- Vice Chair: Private Sector Network: UNGGIM Africa
Willy Govender, Founder and Director, Data World, South Africa
- Vice Chair: Private Sector Network: UNGGIM Americas
Charles Brigham, Esri Inc., USA
Private Sector Network Representatives to UNGGIM Working Groups
- Vice Chair: Private Sector Network - UNGGIM Expert Group on Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information
Steven Hagan, Senior Vice President, Oracle, USA
- Vice Chair: Private Sector Network, UNGGIM Expert Group on Land Administration and Management
Prof. Dr. Dieter Fritsch, Hexagon Geosystems, Switzerland
- Vice-Chair: Private Sector Network, UNGGIM Working Group on Geodetic Reference Frame
Goran Jedrejcic, Trimble Advanced Positioning, Germany
- Vice Chair: Private Sector Network, UNGGIM Working Group on Legal and Policy Frameworks
Dr Jerry Johnston, Deloitte, USA
- Vice Chair: Private Sector Network, Working Group on Trends in National Institutional Arrangements in Geospatial Information Management
Ed Parsons, Geospatial Evangelist, Google, United Kingdom
- Vice Chair: Private Sector Network, Working Group on Geospatial Information and Services for Disaster Management
Kaushik Chakraborty, Vice President, Bentley Systems Asia, Singapore
- Vice Chair: Inter Agency Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goals (IAEG-SDGs) Working Group on Geospatial Information
Denise McKenzie, Executive Director – Communications and Outreach, Open Geospatial Consortium, United Kingdom
Focal Points/Liaison for UN-GGIM work items
CONTACT Anamika Das
Vice Chair, UN-GGIM Private Sector Network Secretariat
info@unggim-psn.org, Tel: +91-120-4612500
Website: http://unggim-psn.org/index.html