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International Workshop on Legal and Policy Frameworks for Geospatial Information Management – Licensing of Geospatial Information, Tianjin, China, 7 – 9 November 2017

The United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM), at its seventh session, called for the development of mechanisms for Member States to develop capacity to address the legal and policy matters that have an impact on the collection, dissemination and application of geospatial information. This is the first in a series of regional training events on Legal and Policy Frameworks for Geospatial Information Management planned by the Secretariat of UN-GGIM, United Nations Statistics Division. The workshop aims to raise awareness, introduce and educate participants on concepts and practical approaches which the participants should find helpful in their normal work.

The goal of this International Workshop is to make both providers and consumers of geospatial information at the national and local levels better aware and informed on how a country’s legal and policy framework impacts geospatial information management, improve the capacity of Member States in addressing legal and policy considerations in geospatial information management to improve data sharing and dissemination, and increase the availability, accessibility and application of geospatial information.

This International Workshop is organised in collaboration with the National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation of China, and supported by the Regional Committee of United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management for Asia and the Pacific (UN-GGIM-AP).


The objectives of the workshop are :

(a) To raise awareness on how an evolving legal and regulatory environment concerning geospatial information will impact the availability, accessibility and application of geospatial information;

(b) To afford professionals within the geospatial ecosystem who do not have legal training a better understanding of legal and policy considerations concerning geospatial information management and the sharing and dissemination of geospatial information; and

(c) To discuss the purpose of a geospatial information licence agreement and the role of the licence that is relevant in national contexts.

Concept Note

Information Note

Provisional Programme

Reference Material

  • Compendium on Licensing of Geospatial Information (Draft Final, Feb 2017)

Contact details:
Mr. TEO CheeHai
Global Geospatial Information Management
United Nations Statistics Division
Department of Economics and Social Affairs
Emai: teo@un.org